Circle of Spirit Publications
An imprint of Drama Circle
Our Friend Mona
The Remarkable Life of a Young Martyr
by Azadeh Rohanian Perry
with Mark Perry
Available in Paperback and EBook formats
TITLE: Our Friend Mona: The Remarkable Life of a Young Martyr
AUTHOR: Azadeh Rohanian Perry with Mark Perry
PRINT FORMAT: Trade Paperback, 6 X 9, 285 pages. $18.00
EBOOK: Kindle Edition available. $9
ISBN: 978-0-9834701-4-4
LOC/PCN: 2017943559
PUBLICATION: Fall 2017 by Circle of Spirit Publications (An imprint of Drama Circle).
Our Friend Mona tells the true story of Mona Mahmudnizhad, a 16-year-old girl who sacrificed her life for unity and peace in the world. Mona grew up in Shiraz—a city famous for its poets and roses. Shiraz is also a city sacred to Baha’is, for it is where their Faith began. And it was in that holy city, after revolution swept through Iran in 1979, where the persecutions against the peaceful Baha’is grew most fierce. The violence reached a peak in June of 1983 with the hanging of ten women, lovely and innocent souls that the people named “The Brides of the City.” The youngest of these was last to go, and Mona kissed the rope that would end her earthly life.
Azadeh Rohanian Perry was blessed to also grow up in Shiraz. She and her family were touched by the lives of many of the martyrs and heroic souls of that period. Among them, Azadeh got to know Mona and her saintly father, Yadu’llah. This book provides Azadeh’s first-person perspective along with detailed accounts of Mona and her family shared by Mona’s mother and sister—Mrs. Farkhundih and Taraneh Mahmudnizhad, both of whom survived that period of persecution. Reading Mona’s story, and the stories of those other wonderful souls who suffered with her, brings us closer to a secret they uncovered: How can you turn fear into courage, anger into calm, and despair at the darkness and injustice in the world into a hopeful vision of humanity’s bright future?
"My husband Mark and I decided to put this book together because there is no single volume available on Mona’s life. There are several important books that share the stories of the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Iran, and some of them provided important source material for this work. We could see that Mona’s life, although brief, would easily fill a book of its own. We especially felt moved to share the story in a manner understandable to youth and junior youth . . .
"[W]e must credit a third contributor. That is Mona's mother, Mrs. Farkhundih Mahmudnizhad, who told the stories of her famous daughter and saintly husband tirelessly for 28 years until her passing in 2011. Her writings about Mona and her father, both published and unpublished, have provided a large amount of the material in this book. This book is a continuation of her attempt to share with the world the stories of their unbelievable heroism and love."
“It was such an honor and privilege to read this special new book … Words cannot describe how deeply my heart was touched.”
“I am an avid reader but ‘Our Friend Mona’ was unlike anything I have ever read before … I obviously have never met Mona but I feel as if I know her.”
“I couldn’t put it down! It reads like a work of fiction … I found myself wanting to tell everyone about what I was reading.”
“One is brought to tears reading the story … A beautiful story on the indomitable strength of the human spirit!”
“Words cannot do justice to how sweet, moving, informative and inspiring it is … Please if you can read it … You will be glad you did”
Azadeh Rohanian Perry works at the UNC School of Dentistry as a clinic manager. Her husband, Mark Perry, is a playwright and teaches in UNC’s Department of Dramatic Art. They serve together in their community, working with children, junior youth and youth, and joining with others in learning about community building.
A New Dress for Mona Resource Site
For photographs of Mona and other items of interest,
please visit the "A New Dress for Mona" Resource site.
Circle of Spirit makes available work that highlights the spiritual side of humanity. Our goal is to spread understanding and promote empathy. In a time when fear and disunity grip our world, people of faith must put aside differences of doctrine and work together to build unity and fellowship and establish a safer, more tolerant world for all.